Жезлы Гора
Жезлы Гора


Daily work with the "Wands of Horus" (minimum two hours) has a beneficial effect in cases of:

- overexcitation and nervous disorders;

- problems with arterial pressure;

- vegetative-vascular disorders.
Regular use of the "Wands of Horus":

- normalises the functioning of the heart in cases of arrhythmia and neuroses;

- improves circulatory processes, with a beneficial effect on blood vessels;

- improves the organism's absorption of calcium (which is especially important for sufferers from osteoporosis);

- improves the memory;

- relieves joint pain in arthritis, arthrosis and gout;

- relieves menopausal symptoms;

- with systematic use reduce the blood cholesterol level;

- activates the process of cell division ("Wands of Horus" KONT), which is important for the regeneration and rejuvenation of the organism.
The "Wands of Horus" can be recommended for those suffering from:

- cardio-vascular diseases;

- high blood pressure (wands with a carbon and ferromagnetic filling);

- low blood pressure (wands with a quartz filling);

- neurotrophic disorders;

- excretory diseases;

- ischaemic heart disease;

- insomnia;

- nervous depressions;

- bronchial asthma (of a nervous character);

- spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;

- the prevention of atherosclerosis;

- diseases associated with circulatory problems, including some forms of impotence.

And also:
- as a means of countering hangovers;

- as a means of slowing the advance of Parkinson's disease;

- as a means of countering inflammatory processes in lymphadenitis;

- as a means of countering stress;

- as a means of countering headaches;

- as a means of correcting biorhythms;

- as a means of normalising sleep patterns ("Wands of Horus" KONT);

- as a means of preventing jet-lag for those whose activities take them frequently from one time zone to another (pilots, sportsmen, tourists, long-distance lorry-drivers, etc.) when desynchronisation of the body clock causes lethargy and headaches.

Most importantly, though, regular use of the "Wands of Horus" slows down autoimmune processes, which provides a serious chance in the fight against CANCER and may be used as a means of prolonging life in cases of HIV (AIDS).

To make the right choice of "Wands of Horus", see the following table listing the most common disorders specifying the type of wands for correction and treatment hereof.

- Schizophrenia and other psychological disorders;
- Epilepsy;
- Pregnancy (in the last six months);

This last is due to the fact that in the later stages of pregnancy there is another living organism in the mother's womb that already at that stage of development has its own individuality (individual vibration). The wands attune themselves to a person, to his or her individual frequency.
As the individual vibration dictated by the mother's hypothalamus-hypophysis system differs from that of the developing child, the use of the wands in the last six months of pregnancy may have unpredictable consequences.

These contra-indications apply to both types of wands, but particularly to those filled with carbon and ferro-magnetic material.

Indications for the use of the "Wands of Horus"

Daily work with the "Wands of Horus" (for no less than two hours) has a beneficial effect in cases of:

- overexcitation and nervous disorders;
- problems with arterial pressure;
- vegeto-vascular disorders .

Regular use of the "Wands of Horus":

- normalises the functioning of the heart in cases of arrhythmia and neuroses;
- improves circulatory processes, with a beneficial effect on blood vessels;
- improves the organism's absorption of calcium (which is especially important for sufferers from osteoporosis);
- improves the memory;
- relieves joint pain in arthritis, arthrosis and gout;
- relieves menopausal symptoms;
- with systematic use reduce the blood cholesterol level;
- activates the process of cell division ("Wands of Horus" KONT), which is important for the regeneration and rejuvenation of the organism.

The "Wands of Horus" can be recommended for those suffering from:

- cardio-vascular diseases;
- high blood pressure (wands with a carbon and ferromagnetic filling);
- low blood pressure (wands with a quartz filling);
- neurotrophic disorders;
- excretory diseases;
- ischaemic heart disease;
- insomnia;
- nervous depressions;
- bronchial asthma (of a nervous character);
- spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
- the prevention of atherosclerosis ;
- diseases associated with circulatory problems, including some forms of impotence.

And also:

- as a means of countering hangovers;
- as a means of slowing the advance of Parkinson's disease;
- as a means of countering inflammatory processes in lymphadenitis;
- as a means of countering stress;
- as a means of countering headaches;
- as a means of correcting biorhythms;
- as a means of normalising sleep patterns ("Wands of Horus" КОNT);
- as a means of preventing jet-lag for those whose activities take them frequently from one time zone to another (pilots, sportsmen, tourists, long-distance lorry-drivers, etc.) when desynchronisation of the body clock causes lethargy and headaches.

Most importantly, though, regular use of the Wands of Horus slows down autoimmune processes which provides a serious chance in the fight against CANCER and may be used as a means of prolonging life in case of HIV (AIDS).

To make the right choice of "Wands of Horus", see the following table listing the most common disorders specifying the type of wands for correction and treatment hereof.

- Schizophrenia and other psychological disorders
- Epilepsy
- Pregnancy (in the last six months)

This last is due to the fact that in the later stages of pregnancy there is another living organism in the mother's womb that already at that stage of development has its own individuality (individual vibration). The wands attune themselves to a person, to his or her individual frequency. As the individual vibration dictated by the mother's hypothalamus-hypophysis system differs from that of the developing child, the use of the wands in the last six months of pregnancy may have unpredictable consequences.

These contra-indications apply to both types of wands, but particularly to those filled with carbon and ferro-magnetic material.